Partnerships make us stronger.

I am careful to align myself with like-minded people who have strong passions. If you would like to partner, please contact me.

These folks are close to my heart.


A portion of all of my book sales goes to this mission.

Hope4Burundi is a non-profit mission organization whose goal is to share the hope of Christ with the people of Burundi and see the country restored by partnering with local Burundi Christian leaders who are impacting their nation.

Our goal is to address the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of Burundi, known as “The Heart of Africa,” that has suffered much from waves of internal conflict which has resulting in poverty, vulnerability to disease, restricted access to education and an unconscionable number of widows and orphans.

Hope4Burundi is working in partnership with Homecare Ministries and other Christian leaders throughout the country so that together, Burundi will experience restoration and a renewed hope.


Use coupon code: Hey_Miss_Kelda for half off.

MMM is based on the belief that allowing children to

make their own decisions and experience their own

consequences will result in critical thinkers who make

wise decisions.

MMM gives parents a tool to create a safe

environment for children to experience consequences

in a fun, easy way.

Former Waldorf Fiber Arts Teacher, Mary K. Till introduces an on-line school, Head, Heart & Handwork, to teach children and adults Fiber Arts classes – knitting, crocheting, needlework and more.

Former Waldorf Fiber Arts Teacher, Mary K. Till introduces an on-line school, Head, Heart & Handwork, to teach children and adults Fiber Arts classes – knitting, crocheting, needlework and more.